Nursing Cost and Aid
Explore Cost & Aid
An important note about financial aid:
Incoming freshman merit scholarships are awarded based on:
- Academic performance
- Activities and interests
- ACT or SAT test results
- Educational goals
Scholarships for incoming freshmen students range from $8,000 to $15,000.
Campus Visit Grant
High school students who make an official visit to Aquinas to learn about the UDM nursing program by May 1 of their senior year will be awarded the $1,000 campus visit grant upon enrollment in the UDM nursing program at Aquinas. This grant is available for up to four years of full-time, undergraduate tuition.
Catholic Education University Grant
Students who attended a Catholic school from grades 1-12 are eligible to receive $2,000 a year. Students who attended and graduated from a Catholic high school (grades 9-12 only) are eligible to receive $1,000 a year. This grant is available each year for a total of four years of full-time undergraduate tuition.
Transfer Scholarships
All of our full-time University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) nursing transfer students at Aquinas receive a scholarship from UDM. The criteria used to assess the amount is determined by your transfer grade point average.
Scholarships for incoming freshmen students range from $6,000 to $12,000.
Nursing Admissions
(616) 632-2923